Pool heating calculator

In recent years, the demand for the installation of swimming pools has grown significantly. Before everyone who decided to acquire one, the question arises: how much will it cost – both in terms of installation and in terms of its content. The main costs after the construction of the pool are for water heating. A calculator for calculating water heating will help you calculate exactly: how much power the equipment will need, what heat losses will be, how long it will take to heat the water to the desired temperature and what will be the loss of water during evaporation.


How much water and energy will be spent

Pool water surface, m2
Ambient temperature, ° С
Pool water temperature, °С
Relative humidity, %
Pool operation mode
The amount of evaporated water, liters / hour
Heat loss, kW / hour

As you know from physics, when water is in a liquid state, it always evaporates, and energy is spent on evaporation (i.e. it cools down), as well as the water itself becomes less, i.e. you will constantly need to top up water.

Calculating the power of the pool heater

Pool volume, m3
Required water temperature, °С
Filling water temperature, °С
Water mirror area m2
Required heating time, h
Heat loss, W hour *
*Pool type and locationHeat loss parameter value Zu, W
Indoor pool180
Outdoor pool (completely open area)1000
Outdoor pool (partly enclosed area)620
Outdoor pool (completely enclosed area)520

The formula for calculating the power of the heater: Q = V * 1,163 * (tB – tK) / Za + Zu * S

  • Q – heater power 
  • V – pool volume
  • tB – required water temperature
  • tK – filling water temperature
  • S – water mirror area
  • Za – required heating time
  • Zu – heat loss

Calculation of the type of energy carrier for heating water

Energy carrier type
Стоимость энергоносителя за ед. изм.
Время нагрева воды
Сколько энергии нужно в час, кВт